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id: 35150
Title: The role of immune mechanisms in mammary gland tumors of dogs and cats
Authors: Zhelavskyi M.M.
Date of publication: 2023-12-15 15:35:58
Last changes: 2023-12-15 15:35:58
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: The tumor-promoting inflammatory environment is one of the major hallmarks of cancer, and its influence on tumor progression, metastasis (Soremno et al., 2020). Immune cells, such as macrophages and mast cells, release soluble factors like cytokines and chemokines that impact the fate of the tumor. Tumor-associated macrophages are present at all stages of tumor progression and possess remarkable plasticity. They can either promote inflammation or exert anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects depending on environmental cues (Zappulli et al., 2019). Tumor-associated mast cells have been identified at the invasive edges of malignant tumors. They release molecules that can either promote tumor growth, including preformed mediators stored in granules, or have anti-cancer effects. For example, TNF has a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells, while heparin and histamine protect against tumorigenesis. Thus, mast cells can either act as promoters or bystanders, depending on the tumor microenvironment and their localization within the tumor. The role of tumor-infiltrating B cells is still under debate and less explored. Some studies suggest that these B cells may have a protective role against disease progression by modulating innate and/or adaptive immune responses, leading to increased tumor cell death. However, other research indicates that B cells can promote carcinogenesis and associate their presence with increased tumor aggressiveness and poor prognosis in solid tumor patients (Tramm et al., 2018; Soremno et al., 2020).
Publication type: Доповідь конференції
Publication: VІІ Всеукраїнська науково-практична Інтернет-конференція, присвячена 65-річчю з дня народження професора П.І. Локеса «Сучасні аспекти лікування і профілактики хвороб тварин». 19-20 жовтня 2023 року. м. Полтава. 2023.
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