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id: 25162
Title: Analysis and characteristics of the average wages = Аналіз та характеристика середньої заробітної плати
Authors: Mashevska A.
Keywords: Average salary, Ukraine, production, income, growth rate, analysis, Vinnytsia region
Date of publication: 2020-06-10 14:22:10
Last changes: 2020-06-10 14:22:10
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: kraine. An analysis of the average salary in Ukraine from 1995 to the present, an analysis of the average salary in the regions, including Vinnytsia region and monthly since 2017. The influence of working conditions and financial condition of the country on the amount of wages was
studied. In particular, due to the fact that wages as the main source of income is a determining factor in the formation of social tensions in society, solvency, which directly affects economic activity in the real sector of the economy. Wages in Ukraine and several EU countries, where the level of salaries is the highest and the lowest, have been studied. In order to study the impact of sectoral employment structure, structural changes in the number of employees of different economic activities and changes in wages in different areas of activity on the dynamics of average wages, the analysis within the range of existing changes in growth rates of the studied relationship is not linear and a quadratic function. The equation of the dependence of the growth rate of the number of births in Ukraine on the growth rate of the average wage is constructed. Expert assessments of the restraining factors of Ukraine`s economic growth and perspective directions of its development are systematized and generalized.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: The scientific heritage. - 2020. - No 47. - P. 14-23. - Budapest.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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